Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
> Blunt power air freshener /"removes odors for 48 hours"
Blunt power air freshener /"removes odors for 48 hours"
What is for sale: Blunt power air freshener /"removes odors for 48 hours"
"NEW" BluntPower Air Freshener / Deodorizer
100% Concentrated (1oz./bottle)
*Comes In 5 Different Categories*
Cologne - Floral Scents - Fruit Scents - Other Scents - Perfume
*Removes Odors For At Least 48 Hours*
This air freshener can be used in your:
Clearly, you don't want to go on wasting another dime on something that doesn't work.
BluntPower truly raises the bar on air freshener makers!
* Powerful and advanced... Smells EXACTLY as you passion fruit or even your favorite perfume!
* Concentrated... a few squirts LASTS FOR DAYS! You don't have to spray it every time you want to smell it because THIS STUFF WORKS!
BluntPower isn't some wimpy air freshener that fades into thin air after you spray it.
* 100% oil-based "smell good"...No alcohol smell!
* Huge selection...Over 25 exciting scents to choose.
This air freshener was designed for heavy smokers, smokers of all kinds whether its cigars, cigarettes, blunts, or what ever you smoke it will elimiate the odor on contact with only 3 sprays.
There are over 25 Mind Blowing Scents!! Check out my other items!
Cool Water (Cologne) - best seller
You can choose the fragrance of your choice, and whatever quantity you would like. Simply go to the bottom of this page to state how many bottles you want to purchase. You can then leave your fragrance selection(s) in the "Note to Seller" box, or you can email your selection(s) to me.
Be sure to add me to your favorites list!
Contact: (Ana Ochoa)
(email hidden).