Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
> Dryer
> Sheet metal training dvd how to make a plenum
Sheet metal training dvd how to make a plenum
What is for sale: Sheet metal training dvd how to make a plenum
The plenum that is made is a 4 sided plenum (each side seperate) with a top.
This means each side is seperate so it will lay flat for easy transportation to the jobsite.
This step by step DVD is approx. 35 minutes long.
The lap seam that is used in this video just requires a sheet metal screw at the top and bottom of each seam to secure the seam.
This DVD is a must have for any person or company that is interested in learning correct layout procedures.
No fancy camera work, just alot to learn.
Any questions please email or call toll free 1-(***)-638-2597
6% Iowa sales tax on items sold in Iowa
Northway's Machinery PO Box 35638 Des Moines,Iowa 50315
Contact: (Margaret Ingram)
(email hidden).