Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
> Metal Grinder
> New parker rear clevis series 3L hydraulic cylinder 6"
New parker rear clevis series 3L hydraulic cylinder 6"
What is for sale: New parker rear clevis series 3L hydraulic cylinder 6"
Parker Medium Duty Series 3L Hydraulic Cylinder
Model No. 02.50 BB3LLR74M 5.874
Envelope Pressure: 700 PSI HYD
Lip Seal Piston/ Parallel Thread ISO 228/ Nut Retained Piston/
In the link use pages 25, 26 and 35 to reference this specific cylinder
Product Link: http:// /Cylinder/Cat/english/0106b002.pdf
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Contact: (Harold Hester)
(email hidden).