Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
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> In Area
> Used: reimelt pressure tank, 1849 gallon (7000 liter),
Used: reimelt pressure tank, 1849 gallon (7000 liter),
What is for sale: Used: reimelt pressure tank, 1849 gallon (7000 liter),
Thank you for your interest in Aaron Equipment Company, a leading provider of used and reconditioned process equipment. For more than 63 years, the Aaron Companies have supplied the processing industries with quality, new, used and reconditioned equipment and asset management services.
USED: Reimelt pressure tank, 1849 gallon (7000 liter),
USED: Reimelt pressure tank, 1849 gallon (7000 liter), 304 stainless steel, vertical. 64" diameter x 138" straight side, dished top, coned bottom. Internal rated 13 psi at 122 deg F. (6) Side entering spray bars with 2-1/2" tri clamp connections. Openings: top 6", (2) 3" tri clamp, side 6" tri clamp, (3) 13" x 17" oval manways with covers; 10" center bottom outlet. Mounted on 3 stainless steel legs. Approx 30" discharge height. Built 1999.
Contact: (Lidia Bray)
(email hidden).