Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
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> Extech RH520 humidity + temp chart recorder datalogger
Extech RH520 humidity + temp chart recorder datalogger
What is for sale: Extech RH520 humidity + temp chart recorder datalogger
Humidity+Temperature Chart Recorder
Best value paperless chart recorder in the market that's easy to set up and operate
* Simultaneous numerical and graphical display of Humidity and Temperature readings, plus Time and Date
* Measures Humidity (10 to 95%RH) and Temperature (-20.0°F to 140.0°F) plus calculates Dew Point
* Basic accuracy 3%RH, 1.8°F/1°C
* Large dual graphical LCD displays with adjustable vertical and horizontal TAC resolution
* Internal memory records up to 49,000 data points and can be transferred to a PC via RS-232 serial port for further data analysis
* LCD indicates percentage of memory remaining
GOODS: ALL our items are FACTORY NEW
packaging material and time spent insuring safe delivery or your items.
Contact: (Jonathan Mcfarland)
(email hidden).