Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
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> Out of Area
> 23 gm key blanks grand prix, lumina, other cars 1987-90
23 gm key blanks grand prix, lumina, other cars 1987-90
What is for sale: 23 gm key blanks grand prix, lumina, other cars 1987-90
23 GM Key Blanks Grand Prix, Lumina, other cars 1987-90
This key blank fits the ignition of a 1988-90 Grand Prix, 1990 Lumina. Also works as a substitute on some 1987-90 Buicks, Berrettas, Corsicas, and some GMCs. I believe they are GM originals. There is a c stamped on the shank of the key.
I'm liquidating a locksmiths shop if you have any requests, comments, or questions let me know.
All items are of good quality from a smoke free environment. I try to list any defects. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
I try very hard to get all orders out the next business day.
If you want to pick up an item I will accept cash also.
Contact: (Cara Kirkland)
(email hidden).