Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
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> New standard air pressure regulator#27244
New standard air pressure regulator#27244
What is for sale: New standard air pressure regulator#27244
A new air pressure regulator, type 272xx-xxx series complete with sturdy adjustable flow control valve and original instructions. The pressure range is 250 PSI maximum and the temperature range is -40 degrees to 200 degrees. Designed specifically for the OEM market, these units are ideal for compressed air or water pressure control applications. Great for any industrial or agricultural work. Proper air pressure is a must when you’re operating air tools. We also have lots of other original items available like, Jaguar, Polaris, Harley-Davidson, Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, parts and many more. Please visit Great Lakes eStore for original classic and vintage items and the rare and unique. Thank You, Good Luck and God Bless!
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