Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Commercial Appliances
> Washer
> Toolmex AR7 C2 carbide tool bit 4K513 qn=16
Toolmex AR7 C2 carbide tool bit 4K513 qn=16
What is for sale: Toolmex AR7 C2 carbide tool bit 4K513 qn=16
More Than One (see IARSF.COM or calll (***)-745-1777)
Weight: 3 Lbs. Dimensions(overall): 4 in. Wide x 4 in. High x 6 in. Deep
You may also telephone us about this item at: 1-(***)-745-1775
* Please follow the "Kyozou" Checkout when you pay for your items.
AVAILABILITY & ERRORS: We also sell directly from our warehouse, so we cannot guarantee availability. If we offer an item that is accidentally double listed, is incorrectly priced or described, confused description, damaged, incomplete, or is unavailable, we will immediately notify you, and process a refund for your purchase. We apologize for any inconvenience to you, due to the above error(s).
Contact: (Nelda Klein)
(email hidden).