Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Other
> 6" asml photolithography reticle pellicalized
6" asml photolithography reticle pellicalized
What is for sale: 6" asml photolithography reticle pellicalized
ASM 6 Inch Pelicalized Reticle
New In Cleanroom Carrying Case and Sealed Bag (1 opened for Pictures)
Worst Case is They are Corning Masks HPFS Standard Grade, Corning code 7980, a high purity synthetic amorphous silicon dioxide manufactured by flame hydrolysis. The noncrystalline, colorless, silica glass combines a very low thermal expansion coefficient with excellent optical qualities and exceptional transmittance in the ultraviolet. Best Case would be KrF or ArF Grade PhotoMasks. Sorry I don't have that information.
California Residents Add 8.25% Sales Tax
We adhere to CA State Sales tax (If you receive equipment within the state of California, we must collect tax) Sales tax is 8.25%
We guarantee against DOA (Dead On Arrival)
Some items may not include manuals or cables (besides power) see item description for details. All items do not include operating system or installation CDs unless specifically stated.
We do not cover the following conditions under our guarantee:
(2) inability of a hardware item to function with a specific software application.
Contact: (Eliza Chavez)
(email hidden).