Moderated newsgroup PARTS RECYCLING for somebody LOOKING OR SELLING.... > Other
> E.f. johnson 800MHZ 80 watt ltr repeater
E.f. johnson 800MHZ 80 watt ltr repeater
What is for sale: E.f. johnson 800MHZ 80 watt ltr repeater
One each E.F. Johnson 800MHz. 80 Watt LTR Repeater.
Complete includes Exciter, Logic. receiver power supply, and 80 Watt PA.
It operates on any of 600 channels in the 851-866 MHz frequency range (repeater transmit).
The repeater receive frequencies (806-821 MHz) Channel spacing is 25kHz and RF power output
is 60 watts (continuous duty. This repeater is modular in design for ease of service. There are
separate assemblies for the logic, receiver, exciter,power amplifier, and power supply sections.
The receiver is designed to operate with either two antennas for diversity or with a single antenna
for standard reception. It uses a TCXO for transmit and a Crystal for the receiver. Please e-mail
me at: or call eight to eight at: (***) 597-1808 for any questions you might have.
We have five of these units if you need more. Thanks, For looking Robert
Contact: (Sam Campbell)
(email hidden).